10 Arnside Drive
Bamford, RCH OL11 5HS

ChurchEcoMiser is the market leader in church heating systems throughout the UK and Ireland. We provide a dedicated carbon-neutral solution designed specifically for the unique requirements of churches, offering a real alternative to existing electric heating systems. Every design we produce is individual to each church we visit, and in some cases, installation costs are up to 50% less than…

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Phone01706 411189

10 Arnside Drive
Bamford, RCH OL11 5HS

ChurchEcoMiser is the market leader in church heating systems throughout the UK and Ireland. We provide a dedicated carbon-neutral solution designed specifically for the unique requirements of churches, offering a real alternative to existing electric heating systems. Every design we produce is individual to each church we visit, and in some cases, installation costs are up to 50% less than…

Tenpin Rochdale
Sandbrook Leisure Park
Unit 3
Rochdale, RCH OL11 1RY

If you're looking for activities in Rochdale, then look no further than Tenpin! With 18 bowling lanes, there is plenty of room for all of your friends and family! Make the most of our laser tag arena, allowing you to have laser tag battles in Rochdale. We have table tennis and pool tables too; who doesn't love some friendly competition?…

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Phone0871 222 3675

Tenpin Rochdale
Sandbrook Leisure Park
Unit 3
Rochdale, RCH OL11 1RY

If you're looking for activities in Rochdale, then look no further than Tenpin! With 18 bowling lanes, there is plenty of room for all of your friends and family! Make the most of our laser tag arena, allowing you to have laser tag battles in Rochdale. We have table tennis and pool tables too; who doesn't love some friendly competition?…

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